We all know that paypal today has become the most trusted name for online money transfer and provided a safe way of transactions to millions, who were hesitant to reveal their credit card information on web. Virtually, every online purchase store worth its mettle now accepts paypal payments.Due to this versatility of paypal, a new search engine Thefind.com has been launched which searches all the stores accepting paypal for any item you want and gives you best results.
The search results are ranked based upon a sophisticated algorithm and is trustworthy. They primarily focus on consumer product areas at present.
This service has been launched from the promoters of Fatlens, a search engine, which was built specifically for event tickets (concerts, sports, theatre, etc). At present FatLens.com redirects you to Thefind.com itself.
They also have a partnership program where writers and reviewers can review their product, probably for fee.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Thefind.com | Search online stores for purchsing with paypal
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